Quepos And Manuel Antonio Favorites
Quepos and Manuel Antonio Favorites represents the highest recommendations by visitors to this site. It's a list of answers to the question "Who, Where, and What do you recommend...?" This list of favorites exists because tourists, visitors, and local residents have taken a few moments to pay it forward, so to speak. In fact it's human nature to praise the things that we enjoy. It's sort of a completion of the enjoyment In any case everyone has a favorite SOMETHING and here is the place to let the world know what your personal favorites are, here in the Quepos and Manuel Antonio area. It can include your favorite places for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or seafood, thai food, ANY local dish. It could be your favorite local activities, favorite night spots, favorite local artists, musicians, tour guides. Maybe it's your favorite place to watch the sun set or favorite beach or villa or...well you get the idea. The list could be endless, really. To each his own, right?
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