Manuel Antonio Exchange Rate And Other Helpful Info
, here is some other helpful information you might want to have regarding exchanging money. First of all, you only lose from 5-10 colones (1-2 cents) per dollar when you spend dollars in Quepos and Manuel Antonio. So spending dollars is no big deal unless you plan to spend a whole lot of them. However, a lot of places, apart from hotels and restaurants, will NOT take any bills over $50, some not over $20. Some taxis won't want to see bills larger than $10 and ONLY if it's close to the amount of your fare. In any case, to make things simple for yourself, and to get the most bang for the buck, exchange your dollars at the BAC San Jose in Quepos (1/2 block toward the ocean, on the left, from the buses). In Manuel Antonio, the best place is Banco Promerica, on the left going toward the beach just before Cafe Milagro (or just after Cafe Milagro on the right coming from the beach). Other banks will exchange money, but you'll waste too much time. After a year of frustrating fluctuations, the rate has lately remained between 495-500 colones/dollar. But come to this page each day to make sure the rate hasn't begun jumping around again. When it jumps in favor of the dollar, the vendors are slow, if ever to follow. They've seen it bounce back too many times. When it jumps in favor of the Costa Rican colon, you can be sure alert vendors will be using the new rate that day. Knowing the rate each day assures that you will avoid any misunderstandings with people you're transacting with.
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